Workshops, lectures and short training courses​​​​​​​

This collection features a series of lectures and presentations delivered by Dr. Mahdi Shadabfar over the past few years. These lectures and seminars are typically recorded and presented as short videos that can be viewed in a brief amount of time.

Random Fields in Matlab
​​​​​​​Organized by Weblog Post
Date: 2024/05/21

Random Fields are a common tool utilized in various applications, particularly in the field of geotechnical engineering, to effectively illustrate the random spatial distribution of soil properties. In this video, I will be discussing random fields, specifically in the context of geotechnical engineering. Through a straightforward example, viewers will be guided through the process of implementing random fields in MATLAB, with a detailed step-by-step demonstration. Furthermore, the concept of correlation length will be explored, shedding light on its significance in shaping the overall structure of a random field. Join us as we unravel the complexities of random fields and their practical applications in geotechnical engineering.

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Blog Post
Object-Oriented Programming
Pre-recorded video
​​​​​​​Organized by Weblog Post
Date: 2024/04/26

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a highly popular programming paradigm that offers numerous benefits compared to traditional programming methods. In the following video presentation, I showcase the practical application of OOP in just 8 minutes, utilizing a straightforward example coded in Python. Through this concise demonstration, viewers will gain insight into harnessing the robust features of OOP for real-world programming tasks. Furthermore, I delve into the concept of classes and their significance in programming, providing valuable guidance on their effective implementation. By engaging with this video tutorial, viewers can acquire a solid foundation in OOP and confidently integrate it into their own programming endeavors.

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Blog Post
Probabilistic method for rockfall analysis
​​​​​​​Organized by TVSeminars
Date: 2022/04/27

This presentation is organized by TVSeminar and is available as a pre-recorded video. The webinar begins by introducing the topic of rockfall and then delves into the critical parameters involved in this phenomenon. The requirements for modeling and analyzing rock debris are then briefly discussed. An example of probabilistic rockfall analysis is presented, and the results are analyzed to establish a probabilistic framework for designing retaining structures against rockfall. This webinar is an excellent resource for students, researchers, and professionals working on engineering projects related to rockfall, as it offers a unique perspective on dealing with this phenomenon.

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Webinar Introduction
Probabilistic analysis of ground vibrations caused by rock blasting
Date: 2021

This video is an online speech presented at the International Conference on Istanbul and Earthquake (ICE2022) and focuses on the probabilistic evaluation of ground vibration under blast load. The presentation is particularly useful for those interested in probabilistic analysis, particularly in the field of geotechnical engineering.

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Covid 19 prediction using probabilistic models​​​​​​​
Date: 2021

This presentation focuses on the spread profile of COVID-19 using probabilistic models. The presentation begins by introducing a proposed model for simulating pandemic spread. The Monte Carlo sampling method is then used to optimize and fit the system of fractional differential equations on real data. The presentation also briefly discusses the method of calculating the exceedance probabilities of the infected, recovered, and dead. This presentation is beneficial for those interested in understanding the spread of COVID-19 and the use of probabilistic models in analyzing pandemics.

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If you have found any of the lectures, seminars, or presentations mentioned above useful and would like to learn more, please click on the link below to let us know. We will do our best to provide additional material in the future using Dr. Shadabfar’s presentations. Thank you for your interest.​​​​​​​

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